Seiberling Way

Project consisted of large scale earthwork operations to relocate an existing landfill in order to install a new full depth asphalt roadway. The relocation of the landfill required importing site specific clay material of 77,000yds of material, installing a layer of geo-membrane, stone drainage layer, protective cover and gas collection systems throughout the landfill. Beyond the limits of the landfill, the project consisted of 25,000 of embankment, +/- 1,600ft of 20+ deep sanitary sewers, 2,300ft of storm sewers 72″-12″ in diameter, +/- 2,500ft of waterline, installation of steel piles for two arch culverts that were 14’x8 x104′ and 32’x10’x124′ long over two existing stream crossings, new signals at intersections and electrical conduits, concrete curbs and sidewalks, full depth asphalt, landscape restoration and working along with the city of Akron, EPA, and our third party quality control firm.